Prof. Moshe Barak
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Graduate Program for Science and Technology Education, Beer Sheva., Israel

Dr. Shengmei Chang
Defense Language Institute, Presidio of Monterey, California, USA

Atsuko Kawakami
Tarleton State University, USA
Member of the Texas A&M University System, Stephenville, TX

Dr. Elisa Backer
Faculty of Business Education, Federation University Australia, Australia

Nasirova Malika Anvarovna

Tashkent Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor. Head of the department of the International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan

Djumayev Oybek Chariyevich

Doctor of  Philosophy (Ph.D.) Political sciences. Banking and Finance Academy, Uzbekistan

Sadikova Mukhayo Muratovna
Senior teacher of the Department of Chemical Technologies of Bukhara-Engineering Institute of technology, Uzbekistan

Salimov Baxodir Baxtiyorovich

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Tashkent State Transport University, Uzbekistan

Axmadjonov Nurbek Zokirjon o’g’li

Doctor of Philosophy in Philology Sciences, Fergana state University, Uzbekistan

Janabergenova Aysuliw Jaksilikovna

Doctor of Philosophy in Pedagogical Sciences, associate professor, Nukus State Pedagogical Institute, Uzbekistan

Muzafarova Feruza Bakhridinovna

Doctor of philosophy in Pedagogical Sciences (PhD) associate professor, Bukhara State University, Bukhara sh., 2001-00, M.Iqbal Street, 11

Turgunov Kadir Maxmudovich

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) Economics, dotsent Uzbekistan state university of physical education and sport

Kadirov Rashid Khamidovich

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, professor, Bukhara State University, Bukhara City, 2001-00, M.Iqbal Street, 11