2025-01-01T09:11:01+03:00Open Journal Systems<p> </p> <p> </p> CHALLENGES OF TRANSLATING COMPOUNDS IN ENGLISH АND UZBEK2025-01-01T09:11:01+03:00 Khodjaeva Saodatkhan<p>The аrticle deals with the main challenges of translating English <br>compounds in English and Uzbek. Compounding is linguistically a common <br>process across many languages where compounds are frequently formed. In <br>English, compounding is highly creative and innovative, and often used as a means <br>of introducing new phrases or coining new words into the lexicon. The specific <br>chаrаcter оf new cоmpоund lexicаl units in cоrrelаtiоn with their semаntic <br>intensity is reviewed. Also, this paper attempts to compare and contrast English <br>and Uzbek compound words in terms of their national values and cultural <br>implications so as to reveal their respective national characteristics, the causes of <br>which are also touched upon.</p>2024-12-20T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) 2024 Pedagogy IMPORTANCE OF EDUCATIONAL EFFICIENCY IN THE ETHNOLOGICAL TEACHING OF ANCIENT AND MODERN SPORTS ACTIVITIES 2024-11-25T09:09:41+03:00 Khamroyev Behruz Khalimovich<p>This article discusses the importance of educational <br>effectiveness in the etymological teaching of ancient and modern sports games.</p>2024-11-25T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) 2024 Pedagogy OF DIFFUSION-DOPED SILICON WITH ZINC AND SELENIUM ATOMS 2024-12-04T14:04:11+03:00O.B. Tursunov, M.H.Aripova, B.B.Ibragimova,<p>The currently existing technological methods for obtaining semiconductor <br>materials for the development of efficient photocells with maximum efficiency and stable <br>electrical parameters have almost reached their limit. To further increase the main parameters <br>of photocells, it is necessary to use non-traditional properties of semiconductor materials or <br>requires discovered new physical phenomena. The modern development of micro- and <br>optoelectronics arouses interest in the synthesis of new materials, including those based on A3B5 <br>and A2B6 semiconductor compounds. Since the band gap and lattice constant of such compounds <br>vary within certain limits, depending on the concentration of impurity atoms, which affects the <br>fundamental parameters of such materials. Based on them, it is possible to synthesize <br>semiconductor materials with a wide range of electrical and photoelectric properties, as well as <br>superlattices with quantum dots.</p>2024-12-04T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) 2024 Pedagogy RULES AND PRINCIPLES IN THE MULTINATIONAL GAME 2024-11-25T09:07:36+03:00Tursunov Aqil Amrulloyevich<p>This article describes the rules, significance, and development <br>history of national folk games. The article also presents scientific ideas and <br>opinions of pedagogues-scientists who conducted research within the framework of <br>national folk games. Special attention is paid to the importance of national folk <br>games in the spiritual, educational, moral, aesthetic and physical education of the <br>young generation.</p>2024-11-25T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) 2024 Pedagogy INFLUENCE OF THE TWENTIETH-CENTURY PROCESSES ON THE TRANSFORMATION OF VALUES AND THE APPLICATION OF AXIOLOGICAL LAWS 2024-09-29T12:42:48+03:00TUKHTAEV KHAKIM<p>in Uzbekistan in accordance with priority directions of improvement,<br>consistency and continuity of the process. At the same time, the influence<br>of the transformation of values and axiological laws on practice and<br>application principles is analyzed</p>2024-09-29T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) 2024 Pedagogy THE HISTORY OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF CIRCUS ART IN UZBEKISTAN2024-09-29T12:44:36+03:00 F.A.<p>This article will talk about the activities of creators who created Uzbek<br>circus art on the way to formation and development, the development of circus art,<br>the history of cooperation relations.</p>2024-09-29T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) 2024 Pedagogy IMAGE OF HOME IN F.H. BURNETT'S CHILDREN'S STORIES2024-09-29T12:55:42+03:00Quyen Tran Fotimakhon<p>The article examines the typology of the image of home in Frances Hodgson<br>Burnett's children's literature, focusing on her works The Little Princess and The<br>Secret Garden. It explores how Burnett employs various representations of<br>home—ranging from cold institutions and ideal Victorian families to simple<br>refuges—to reflect broader social and moral themes. The study identifies three<br>primary approaches to the image of home: as a dwelling, a family, and a shelter.<br>Burnett's portrayal underscores the contrast between superficial material wealth<br>and the genuine warmth and care that constitute a true home. The article argues<br>that Burnett's narratives advocate for an ideal of home grounded in emotional<br>support and familial love, highlighting the significant impact of one's environment<br>on personal development and well-being</p>2024-09-29T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) 2024 Pedagogy CONTROL IN HOMEWORK ASSIGNED FOR PREINTERMEDIATE LEVELED STUDENTS 2024-09-29T12:59:22+03:00Khiloldinova<p>Home assignments have historically and currently generated a lot of discussion<br>and argument, which has led to a large number of proponents and supporters. This<br>empirical article focuses on the homework that was assigned in an eleventh grade<br>classroom at a specific secondary school. The study looks into how high quality<br>homework affects students' language acquisition. There are three primary parts in this<br>research writing. The research is introduced in the first section where methods of the<br>research are also explained. The actual research is covered in the second part.<br>Ultimately, all of the compiled data and research results are addressed in the last<br>section of this article</p>2024-09-29T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) 2024 Pedagogy INFECTION AND ITS RELATIONSHIP WITH NEURODEGENERATIVE DISEASES 2024-10-06T18:27:35+03:00Mallakhodjaev Anvarkhon<p>Neurodegenerative diseases (NDDs) are becoming increasingly<br>common. They are associated with protein metabolism and structural changes,<br>which lead to the death of neuronal cells. Viral infections affect these cellular<br>processes and can become an eatiological factor in neurological diseases.<br>Enteroviruses (EV) often infect the central nervous system (CNS). Inflammation,<br>disruption of the host autophagy machinery, and deregulation and protein<br>accumulation/misfolding are the major changes observed following EV infection.<br>We therefore discuss the most recent findings on this issue, exploring the possible<br>role of EVs in the development of NDD.</p>2024-10-06T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) 2024 Pedagogy OF MILITARY PEDAGOGICAL PERSONNEL AND THEIR ORIENTATION TO PRACTICE2024-09-29T12:40:41+03:00Abbasov Farux<p>This article discusses ideas for improving student learning and<br>integrating teaching practices and technology at all levels. The first attempt to<br>identify pedagogical innovations based on the structure of the creative class (CC in<br>the text) is presented. In CC, innovation is designed to solve unsolved problems in<br>a specific social, economic, technological, organizational and cultural context. In<br>this context, pedagogical innovation, taking into account the technological and<br>digital educational environment, is a matter of combining different levels of<br>analysis: from individuality to socialization</p>2024-09-29T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) 2024 Pedagogy IN TRANSLATION: SOLVING PROBLEMS IN INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION 2024-09-29T19:03:23+03:00Amirova<p>In today’s globalized world, intercultural communication is more<br>important than ever, yet it is also prone to challenges, particularly when meaning is<br>"lost in translation." This article explores the various barriers to effective<br>communication across different cultures, focusing on issues such as language<br>translation errors, cultural assumptions, and non-verbal misinterpretations.</p>2024-09-29T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) 2024 PedagogyСПОРТИВНАЯ БОЛЕЗНЬ, ИЛИ «СИНДРОМ ПЕРЕТРЕНИРОВАННОСТИ» 2024-10-13T16:41:01+03:00Абдалимов А.О<p>Долговременное (в пределах от нескольких мезоциклов до одного и более макроцикла) снижение работоспособности спортсмена с наличием характерной для болезненного состояния симптоматики называется «спортивная болезнь», или «синдром перетренированности» Перетренированность является прежде всего «отравлением нервной системы».</p>2024-10-13T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) 2024 Pedagogy DEVISES AND THEIR ROLE IN CREATIVE WRITING 2024-10-13T16:43:52+03:00Umarova Makhliyo<p>Stylistic devices are used in literature, journalism, advertising and other<br>types of communication. They help to create the right mood, emphasize the<br>importance of what is being said, or simply make the text more interesting for the<br>reader. Stylistic devices in any work of art are used for colorful and detailed<br>description, as well as for expressing the author’s personal attitude towards the<br>objects depicted in the novel.</p>2024-10-13T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) 2024 Pedagogy INTERACTIVE GAMES FOR CHILDREN TO LEARN A SECOND LANGUAGE 2024-11-25T08:14:29+03:00Sanemgul Kurbaniyazova Ajiniyazovna<p>this article examines the role of interactive games in facilitating <br>second language acquisition for children. With a focus on game-based learning, the <br>paper highlights how in teractive games enhance language skills by creating an <br>engaging, low-pressure environment that encourages active participation and <br>practice. Various types of games, including digital apps, role-playing, board <br>games, and physical activities, are explored for their effectiveness in reinforcing <br>vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation. The article also discusses the <br>psychological benefits of game-based learning, such as reduced anxiety and <br>improved social interaction, which foster a positive learning atmosphere.</p>2024-11-25T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) 2024 Pedagogy ENGLISH THROUGH DIDACTIC GAMES 2024-11-23T17:09:42+03:00Umarova Farog’atxon<p>Teaching English through didactic games can be an engaging and effective <br>method to enhance language skills. Here are some strategies and examples of <br>games you can incorporate into your lessons</p>2024-11-23T00:00:00+03:00Copyright (c) 2024 Pedagogy