Pedagogy <p> </p> <p> </p> en-US Tue, 06 Jun 2023 18:48:06 +0300 OJS 60 RHYTHMIC VARIATION IN ALISHER NAVOI’S WORK"NAZM UL-JAVAHIR" <p>This article is devoted to the use of rhythmic variation in Alisher Navoi's work "Nazm ul-javahir". In <br>this work, the use of rubai's written in the akhrab network within the network and mixed with the <br>akhram network and its connection with the content of the work was specially studied and relevant <br>conclusions were drawn</p> Shoirakhon Khujaeva Copyright (c) 2023 Pedagogy Thu, 07 Sep 2023 00:00:00 +0300 THE EFFECT OF THE APPLICATION OF INNOVATIVE PEDAGOGICAL TECHNOLOGIES ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF STUDENTS <p>The article contains analytical information about the definitions of <br>pedagogical technology and innovative pedagogical technologies, interactive <br>teaching methods and the impact of their use on the level of mastery, teaching <br>methodology and the level of mastery of the content of educational activities of <br>students when different methods are used</p> Rakhimov Oktyabr Dustkabilovich Dostqabilov is the son of Shakhboz Fakhriddin Copyright (c) 2023 Pedagogy Tue, 14 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0300 MAIN FACTORS OF PRODUCTION, METHODS OF ATTACHMENT AND ECONOMIC GROWTH <p>The primary factor in the production of Labor is characterized. (because <br>without a human cocktail, without its participation, without the most perfect <br>machines, Ham, the items of livelihood cannot be created). Man is the Supreme <br>producer of society. Material conditions are required for production</p> Dusmatov Begmuxammad Copyright (c) 2023 Pedagogy Sat, 07 Oct 2023 00:00:00 +0300 FEATURES OF SPEECH FORMATION AND METHODS OF SPEECH DEVELOPMENT IN MENTALLY RETARDED CHILDREN <p>mentally retarded children also experience specific problems in speech <br>development due to difficulties in general development. This article will talk about the <br>peculiarities of speech development and methods of speech development in Mentally Retarded <br>Children</p> Rimbayeva Ozoda Bazarbayevna Copyright (c) 2023 Pedagogy Sun, 28 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0300 THE ECONOMICAL SCIENTIFIC COUNTRIES AND SCIENCES <p>In this article, very important and relevant tools aimed at the <br>formation of faith, the great pedagogical value of determining how to use individual <br>approach methods, scientific knowledge that expands the worldview, the formation <br>of immunity, the specific experience of using historical materials in the education of <br>political vigilance are discussed. was discussed</p> Asrorov Aziz Isomiddin o’g’li Xakimov Damir Ulug’bekovich Copyright (c) 2023 Pedagogy Sun, 08 Oct 2023 00:00:00 +0300 MATHEMATICAL FOUNDATIONS OF PROCESSING THE RESULTS OF ASTRONOMICAL SCIENTIFIC OBSERVATION <p>These objects are very far away from Earth; moreover, they are the most <br>interested and attractive objects for human beings. Human beings are continuously <br>developing and installing the observational facilities (telescopes) for solving the <br>mystery of the Universe. The various photometric bands/filters are associated with <br>these telescopes, and each band show different effective wavelength to detect the <br>information about the interior physical phenomenon. The detected information can <br>be used to constrain the dynamism and evolution model of interested stellar <br>objects. Heavier atoms of matter are to be made in the interior part of stars and <br>prescribed matter to pervade into space through the “Supernova burst”. Our earth is <br>also made of such type materials</p> Sotimboeva Zarifakhon Copyright (c) 2023 Pedagogy Tue, 06 Jun 2023 00:00:00 +0300 FORMATION OF IDEOLOGICAL IMMUNITY IN YOUTH STUDENTS AS A PEDAGOGICAL FACTOR <p>In this article, very important and relevant tools aimed at the <br>formation of faith, the great pedagogical value of determining how to use individual <br>approach methods, scientific knowledge that expands the worldview, the formation <br>of immunity, the specific experience of using historical materials in the education of <br>political vigilance are discussed. was discussed</p> Raximova Iroda Ravshanovna Copyright (c) 2023 Pedagogy Wed, 05 Jul 2023 00:00:00 +0300 WORLD EXPERIENCE ON PROMOTION OF OLYMPIC IDEAS AND PEDAGOGICAL ACTIVITY IN THE FRAMEWORK OF OLYMPIC EDUCATION <p>In this article, the goal setting for athletes, their training, the <br>publication of literature devoted to Olympian themes in promoting the ideas of <br>Olympianness, the burning of the Olympian flame by the students themselves and <br>observing the Olympian rituals, the Olympian oath, etc. There were talks about <br>announcing, raising the Olympic flag and others.</p> Kosse Rulen Bekirovich Copyright (c) 2023 Pedagogy Tue, 06 Jun 2023 00:00:00 +0300 THE CONCEPT, PEDAGOGICAL ESSENCE AND TASKS OF IMPROVING THINKING DIRECTED TO PRESERVING HEALTH IN STUDENTS <p>In this article, the issue of raising a healthy generation and the <br>formation of a healthy culture, the formation of medical and sanitary thinking on <br>health protection in educational institutions, research, formation and analysis of the <br>current situation, the importance of physical education and physical education for <br>human health was discussed</p> Ernazarov Abduvali Beknazarovich Copyright (c) 2023 Pedagogy Tue, 06 Jun 2023 00:00:00 +0300 FACTORS OF USING METHODS AND TOOLS OF PEDAGOGICAL TECHNOLOGY USED IN EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITIES <p>This article talks about the implementation of didactic goals, <br>such as acquiring new concepts and laws of independent thinking, monitoring the <br>growth of students' interest, aspiration, and responsibility, memorizing during <br>training, dividing by categories, giving definitions, evaluating and explaining</p> A.E. ERNAZAROV Copyright (c) 2023 Pedagogy Sun, 25 Jun 2023 00:00:00 +0300 PRE-COMPETITIVE TRAINING OF HIGHLY QUALIFIED HANDBALL PLAYERS <p>In the theory and practice of sports, special attention is paid to the pre-competitive <br>training of athletes, which is considered (and quite reasonably) as an important part <br>of the training process</p> A.O. Abdalimov Copyright (c) 2023 Pedagogy Tue, 13 Jun 2023 00:00:00 +0300 DIGITAL COMMUNICATIONS IN PEGAGOGIG EDUCATION <p>There are several types of electronic trading platforms - for commercial<br>customers, for placing government orders. The sites on which electronic <br>transactions are performed by commercial customers are divided into specialized <br>and multi-profile. Users, participants of the sites, held auctions and trades <br>themselves can decide on which of the sites it is more convenient and profitable to <br>work with. In addition, on a multiprofile resource the customer can act as a <br>supplier, the seller - this is dependent on the scope of his activities, on the <br>possibilitie</p> Yunusova Nilufar Xamraevna Copyright (c) 2023 Pedagogy Wed, 14 Jun 2023 00:00:00 +0300 "CHARACTERISTICS AND METHODS OF TEACHING GENERAL DEVELOPMENTAL EXERCISES <p>General developmental exercises (ORU) in gymnastics are called technically <br>simple elementary movements of the body and its parts available to the student, <br>performed for the purpose of improving health, educating physical qualities, <br>improving the functional state of the body</p> Elboeva Umida Copyright (c) 2023 Pedagogy Tue, 15 Aug 2023 00:00:00 +0300 USE OF PRONOUNS IN NAVOI'S WORKS <p><strong>Abstract</strong>. Today, learning the Uzbek language as a whole system, raising its logical culture to the level of modern requirements becomes a component of our life. The advancement of our mother tongue to the level of state policy has set high tasks for our linguistics. Currently, Uzbek linguistics is reaching a significant level of convergence.</p> <p>&nbsp;In this article, the lexical-semantic features of the pronouns in the works of Alisher Navoi are thoroughly analyzed, the speech possibilities inherent in the pronouns and their analysis are put on a scientific basis.</p> Mamatmo'minov Turg'un Anorboyevich, Qodirova Shaxrizoda Bozor qizi Copyright (c) 2023 Pedagogy Tue, 15 Aug 2023 00:00:00 +0300