Prof. Moshe Barak
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Graduate Program for Science and Technology Education, Beer Sheva., Israel

Dr. Elisa Backer
Faculty of Business Education, Federation University Australia, Australia

Qayimov Fazliddin Samiyevich

Doctor of philosophy in technical sciences Bukhara Institute of Engineering and Technology

Azimov Utkir Naimovich

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in technical sciences, associate professor of Bukhara Engineering-Technological Institute, Uzbekistan

Yarmukhamedov Alisher Agbarovich

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in technical Sciences, Tashkent State Technical University, Uzbekistan

Sulaymanova Gulchexra Xakimovna

Associate professor of the Department of nutrition organization and service PhD, doctor of philosophy in technical sciencesBukhara Institute of Engineering and Technology, Uzbekistan

Ashurova Mukhabbat Zoirovna

Associate professor of the Department of nutrition organization and service PhDdoctor of philosophy in technical sciences Bukhara Institute of Engineering and Technology, Uzbekistan

Raxmanov Anvarjon Tojiboyevich
Tashkent State Technical University, Professor, Doctor of sciences, Technics, Instruments Methods of measurement and control, Uzbekistan