Journal of Modern Educational Achievements en-US (journal editor) (Journal editor) Fri, 05 Jul 2024 09:38:48 +0300 OJS 60 B THE IMPORTANCE AND ROLE OF THE CLASS HEAD IN THE EDUCATION OF PRIMARY CLASS STUDENTS <p>. In this article, the importance and role of the class leader in the<br>process of education of elementary school pupils is discussed. Ideas and<br>recommendations that can be used in the work of the class leader are shown.<br>Thoughts and comments about the methods of education for primary school<br>students are given</p> A.P. Ajiniyazova Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Modern Educational Achievements Thu, 29 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0300 FUNDAMENTALS OF MATHEMATICS AND ITS DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY <p>This research investigates the development of fundamental mathematical concepts in students, exploring effective strategies to enhance understanding, engagement, and achievement. The study examines existing research on mathematics education, analyzing different teaching methods, curriculum frameworks, and assessment tools. It proposes a comprehensive development strategy that incorporates [Insert specific elements of your development strategy, e.g., constructivist learning, problem-based approaches, technology integration, or teacher training]. The study evaluates the effectiveness of the proposed strategy through [Describe your data collection and analysis methods] and discusses its implications for enhancing student learning, improving teacher practice, and addressing diverse learning needs within mathematics education.</p> Sotimboeva Z Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Modern Educational Achievements Fri, 02 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0300 Creating successful situations based on encouraging future listeners <p>This article explores effective methods for creating successful<br>situations through the cultivation of receptive audiences. It highlights the importance<br>of understanding your audience, building rapport, employing engagement<br>techniques, and prioritizing clarity and simplicity in communication. By<br>implementing these strategies, speakers can enhance their ability to connect with<br>listeners across various contexts, from public speaking to leadership roles.</p> Kunnazarova Bibikhatisha Babanazarovna Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Modern Educational Achievements Thu, 29 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0300 PEDAGOGICAL AND PSYCHOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE INFANCY PERIOD. CHILD DEVELOPMENT IN INFANCY <p>this article will talk about the pedagogical and psychological <br>characteristics of the infancy period and the changes in the development of the child <br>during this period, disorders and the influence of the external environment on it.</p> Rimbayeva Ozoda Bazarbayevna Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Modern Educational Achievements Sun, 28 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0300 THE IMPORTANCE AND ROLE OF PEDAGOGICAL SKILLS <p>The world we live in is changing and developing beyond<br>recognition. It is required to work according to the daily requirements in every field.<br>In addition, many requirements and responsibilities are imposed on teachers who<br>work with the growing generation. A teacher should understand what modern<br>students live with and be in tune with them. This article discusses the role of<br>creativity in pedagogy and how to increase students' creativity</p> Naurizbaeva Gauxar Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Modern Educational Achievements Thu, 29 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0300 CREATING LESSON PLAN FOR CONTENT AND LANGUAGE INTEGRATED LEARNING IN TEACHING ENGLISH <p>Implementing a successful Content and Language Integrated<br>Learning (CLIL) approach in the English language classroom requires meticulous<br>planning and design of lesson plans. CLIL lesson plans must carefully balance the<br>integration of content and language, ensuring that students not only develop their<br>English proficiency but also acquire deep, meaningful knowledge of the subject<br>matter</p> Babayeva Irada Sabirovna Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Modern Educational Achievements Thu, 29 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0300 VARIABILITY, INHERITANCE AND HERITABILITY OF THE "LENGTH OF THE GROWING SEASON" TRAIT IN GEOGRAPHICALLY REMOTE, LINEAR-VARIETAL HYBRID COMBINATIONS F₁ -F <p>The signs that determine the possibility of introducing cotton growing in<br>Uzbekistan are precocity, which is especially important in the soil and climatic<br>conditions of the Republic of Uzbekistan, since, as a rule, late-ripening varieties<br>cannot realize their potential due to an insufficient amount of effective temperatures</p> Avtonomov Victor Alexandrovich Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Modern Educational Achievements Thu, 29 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0300 THE DEVELOPMENT OF STUDENT CRITICAL THINKING AND DIFFERENTAL METHODS <p>This research explores the development of student critical thinking skills within the framework of "differential methods," focusing on [Insert specific area of focus: teaching, assessment, learning, or specific discipline]. The study examines the effectiveness of various approaches designed to foster critical thinking in different learning contexts and for diverse student populations.</p> Sh.X.Samiyeva Sharapova Nigora Amanovna Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Modern Educational Achievements Thu, 29 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0300 Forming the ability to work in cooperation among members of the class team with the help of collaborative technologies <p>This article explores the significance of integrating collaborative<br>technologies into the classroom environment to foster teamwork skills among<br>students. It discusses the methods and strategies for leveraging collaborative tools<br>effectively, including selection, training, establishment of guidelines, and<br>assignment of collaborative projects. Through the implementation of these methods,<br>educators can create dynamic learning environments that promote active<br>engagement, communication, and collaboration among students, preparing them for<br>success in both academic and professional endeavors.</p> Bekmuratov Kadirbergen Kuanishbaevich Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Modern Educational Achievements Thu, 29 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0300 WHAT PROFESSIONALS AND PARENTS NEED TO KNOW ABOUT THE DEVELOPMENT OF CHILDREN WITH DISABILITIES BASIC PRINCIPLES FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF CHILDREN WITH DISABILITIES <p>professionals and parents need to know several important aspects <br>about the development of children with disabilities. This information will help <br>ensure the proper care, education and development of children. This article will talk <br>about these.</p> Rimbayeva Ozoda Bazarbayevna Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Modern Educational Achievements Sun, 28 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0300 METHODOLOGY FOR DEVELOPING THE INTEREST OF JUNIOR SCHOOL CHILDREN IN READING <p>This article describes the relevance of the problem of developing<br>interest in reading in school-age children</p> Tengelova Dilfuza Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Modern Educational Achievements Thu, 29 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0300 ORGANIZATION OF ELEMENTARY SCHOOL CLASSES THROUGH NEW PEDAGOGICAL TECHNOLOGIES <p>In this article, thoughts and reflections on the organization of<br>elementary school classes through new pedagogical technologies are kept. In the<br>rapidly developing conditions of education, it was important to introduce new<br>pedagogical technologies into the primary classes. These technologies offer<br>innovative ways to attract young students, increase their understanding and prepare<br>them for future problems. The organization of elementary classes through new<br>pedagogical technologies will not only change the traditional classroom<br>environment, but also arm students with important skills of the 21st century</p> Urazimbetov Aybek Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Modern Educational Achievements Thu, 29 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0300 THE ROLE OF CONTENT AND LANGUAGE IN CONTENT AND LANGUAGE INTEGRATED LEARNING IN TEACHING ENGLISH <p>Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) has emerged<br>as a highly effective approach in the field of English language teaching. At its core,<br>CLIL is characterized by the integration of content and language, where the learning<br>of a subject-specific topic is combined with the simultaneous development of<br>language skills. This synergistic relationship between content and language is crucial<br>in enhancing the overall effectiveness of English language instruction.</p> Babayeva Irada Sabirovna Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Modern Educational Achievements Thu, 29 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0300 PARALLEL PROCESSING DURING DATA OPTIMIZATION IN INFORMATION SYSTEMS <p>This article discusses both parallel software and parallel<br>architectures. It starts with an overview of the basic foundations such as hardware<br>technology, applications and, computational models. An overview of parallel<br>software and their limitations is provided. Some existing parallel machines and<br>proposed parallel architectures are also covered</p> Ergashev Sh.T Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Modern Educational Achievements Sat, 06 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0300 ПАХТАНИ МАЙДА ИФЛОСЛИКЛАРДАН ТОЗАЛАШНИНГ САМАРАСИНИ ОШИРИШ УЧУН ҚИЯ ТОЗАЛАГИЧИНИ ИШЛАБ ЧИҚИШ <p>Мақолада пахта хомошёсини тозалаш самарадорлигини<br>ошириш учун қия усулда тозалаш ускунасининг ишлаб чиқиш бўйича<br>тахлиллар келтирилган ва тозалагичнинг асосий параметрларини асослаш<br>бўйича аниқланадиган кўрсаткичлари белгиланган.</p> Кулиев Т.М., Джамолов Р.К., Хасанов У.О., Абидова А.Р Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Modern Educational Achievements Fri, 05 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0300 AI-DRIVEN ASSESSMENT TOOLS: ENHANCING OBJECTIVITY IN INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION SYSTEMS <p>The globalized nature of education demands robust and objective assessment<br>tools to accurately measure student progress across diverse learning contexts. This<br>paper explores the potential of AI-driven assessment tools to enhance objectivity in<br>international education systems. We discuss how AI algorithms can analyze student<br>data, provide personalized feedback, and create adaptive assessments, reducing<br>human bias and promoting equitable evaluation. We examine the benefits of AIpowered assessment tools, including increased efficiency, improved accuracy, and the ability to identify learning gaps and provide targeted interventions. However, we<br>also address the challenges associated with AI-driven assessment, such as data<br>privacy concerns, algorithmic bias, and the need for human oversight. The paper<br>concludes by highlighting the importance of responsible AI implementation in<br>education, ensuring ethical and equitable use of these tools to enhance global<br>learning and create a more just and effective education system</p> Ulasheva Shahlo Tagaevna Davronov Jahongir Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Modern Educational Achievements Fri, 05 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0300 GYNECOLOGICAL HEALTH IS A VITAL ASPECT OF OVERALL WELL-BEING <p>Genecological health sciences represent a burgeoning field that explores the<br>intersection of genetics and gynecology. This interdisciplinary approach investigates<br>how genetic variations influence a woman's susceptibility to, development of, and<br>response to various gynecological conditions. By integrating genetic insights into<br>clinical practice, genecological health sciences aim to advance personalized<br>medicine, enabling tailored diagnoses, treatments, and preventive strategies for<br>women. This emerging field holds significant potential to revolutionize women's<br>healthcare, fostering a deeper understanding of the biological underpinnings of<br>gynecological diseases and paving the way for more effective and targeted<br>interventions</p> Tilyayova Sitora, Shamsieva Ramziya, Usmanova Charos Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Modern Educational Achievements Fri, 05 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0300 “ТАЪЛИМ” ВА “ТАРБИЯ” ТЕРМИНОЛОГИЯСИДА УЧРАЙДИГАН СЕМАНТИК ЖАРАЁНЛАР ВА УНИНГ ЛИНГВИСТИК ХУСУСИЯТЛАРИ <p>Мақолада таълим ва тарбия терминларини таъминловчи лексик<br>бирликларнинг терминология билан фонетика, морфология, синтаксис каби<br>функционал қуйи тизимлар ўртасида алоқалари таҳлил қилинган.</p> Юсуфалиев Элёржон Машрабович Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Modern Educational Achievements Fri, 05 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0300 ЎЗБЕК ВА НЕМИС ТИЛШУНОСЛИГИ ТАСАВУРИДА “ТАЪЛИМ ВА ТАРБИЯ” КОНЦЕПТИ <p>Мақолада қиёсий лингвомаданий ва лингвокогнитив таҳлил натижалари<br>келтирилган бўлиб, унинг мақсади немис ва ўзбек лингвомаданий<br>ҳамжамиятларида “Таълим”/ “Bildung” тушунчаларининг миллий-маданий<br>хусусиятларини тавсифлаш ва ушбу тушунчаларни жалб қилган ҳолда<br>замонавий илмий ва публистик матнлар, лўғат тарифлари, сўров<br>маълумотлари, шунингдек, кенг тарихий контекст асосида қайта қуриш эди.</p> Юсуфалиев Элёржон Машрабович Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Modern Educational Achievements Fri, 05 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0300 INFLUENCE OF MOTOR ACTIVITY ON THE BODY <p>The influence of physical activity on the rate of growth, development and<br>formation of body proportions is assessed by comparing athletes and people who do<br>not engage in sports. However, individuals with different body types and levels of<br>biological maturity are selected for different sports. Unfortunately, most researchers<br>mainly study the development of motor qualities and skills, leaving the<br>morphological characteristics of the body without attention. However, among young<br>athletes, morphological characteristics occupy one of the main places at the stage of<br>in-depth training. Each sport is characterized by its own special combination of<br>morphological characteristics (Bezrukikh, 1982; Blinova et al. 2004).</p> Esemuratova G.P., Matchanov A.T., Esemuratova S.P Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Modern Educational Achievements Sat, 06 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0300 PEDAGOGICAL FUNDAMENTALS OF THE FORMATION OF SOCIAL CHARACTERISTICS OF CHILDREN OF PRIMARY SCHOOL AGE IN THE FAMILY <p>In this article, information about the role of parents in the family in matters such as morals and education of preschool children given</p> Mamedova Maftuna Mukhidinovna Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Modern Educational Achievements Wed, 17 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0300 ENHANCING LINGUISTIC COMPETENCE THROUGH MOTHER TONGUE LESSONS IN PRIMARY CLASSES (2-grade mother tongue textbook) <p>This article explains creating linguistic competence as well as<br>improving habits and qualifications of primary school students through mother<br>tongue lessons.</p> Askarova Umida A’zamovna. Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Modern Educational Achievements Wed, 17 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0300 ЭФФЕКТ “ЗЛОВЕЩЕЙ ДОЛИНЫ” В ВИДЕОИГРАХ <p>The article describes «the uncanny valley» effect on human’s perceptions and how successfully<br>companies in game industry uses it for their own profit.</p> Шукуров Асилбек Акрам угли Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Modern Educational Achievements Wed, 17 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0300 IMPROVING SOCIOPRAGMATIC COMPETENCE OF STUDENTS PROCESS AND CRITERIA <p>It is well recognized that while teaching foreign languages, some of us<br>possess specific competencies. Moreover, strengthening students' sociopragmatic<br>ability is crucial. In contemporary education, possessing sociopragmatic<br>competency has become increasingly important, in addition to the receivers' deep<br>knowledge.</p> Gozieva Mastona TOSHTEMIROVNA Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Modern Educational Achievements Wed, 17 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0300 UZBEK FOLKLORE AS A SOCIOLOGICAL VALUE <p>This article highlights the sociological aspects of the genre of "folkloristics",<br>that is, "folkloristics", which occupies a special place in the system of academic<br>sciences by the author</p> Asqarova Adolatxon Mamatxonovna Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Modern Educational Achievements Wed, 17 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0300 PLANT NITRARIA SIBIRICA PALL., IN THE FLORA OF KARAKALPAKSTAN <p>shoots of the II order (less often of the III order) die off from the distal<br>end; their number can exceed 100 pcs. After the death of the oldest xylorhizomes’<br>sections the connection between the partial formations is lost and a clone is formed.<br>An electronic program, depending on the characteristics of filling out the<br>questionnaire - independently, with the help of a doctor, using an electronic<br>application</p> Yuldashova L. M Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Modern Educational Achievements Thu, 18 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0300 THE USE OF MODERN METHODS IN TEACHING BIOLOGY AND THE DEVELOPMENT OF STUDENTS ' CREATIVE THINKING <p>The article in general education system is on the main tasks<br>of the development of the creative thinking of students and the quality of the lesson.</p> Yuldashova L. M Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Modern Educational Achievements Thu, 18 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0300 ABOUT THE PROSPECTS OF USING THE LYCIUM RUTHENICUM PLANT GROWING ON THE USTYURT PLATEAU <p>Lycium ruthenicum Murray is an important medicinal plant of the<br>Solanaceae family. L. ruthenicum is endemic to Central Asia and spreads from China<br>to Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Pakistan, Russia, Tajikistan,<br>Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tibet and India. In India L</p> Yuldashova L. M Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Modern Educational Achievements Thu, 18 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0300 PROMISING MEDICINAL PLANTS IN THE TERRITORY OF KARAKALPAKSTAN <p>This article provides information on the preservation of promising<br>medicinal plants in the territory of Karakalpakstan, as well as the study and<br>cultivation of their distribution. Nowadays, the demand for medicinal plants is<br>increasing day by day. Therefore, the study of medicinal plants, the properties of<br>which are useful for diseases and the strength of their effects, and the preparation of<br>medicines from them are important topics</p> Yuldashova L. M Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Modern Educational Achievements Thu, 18 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0300 BIOMORPHOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF RARE PROMISING MEDICINAL PLANTS <p>In this article, biomorphological characteristics of rare promising<br>medicinal plants and the study of their distribution are reported. Nowadays, the<br>demand for medicinal plants is increasing day by day. That is why studying<br>medicinal plants, finding out which diseases are useful for their properties and<br>effectiveness, and preparing medicines from them are important topics</p> Yuldashova L. M Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Modern Educational Achievements Thu, 18 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0300 USEFUL INFORMATION ABOUT BLACK ROOT (SINOGLOSSUM VIRIDIFLORUM PALL.EX.LEXM.) <p><span class="fontstyle0">Black root is a decorative perennial plant, which is used in folk medicine due to its beneficial properties. Specific characteristics and information on the cultivation of Sinoglossum Viridiflorum are presented. Sinoglossum Viridiflorum with its decorative appearance can be a bright decoration for flower gardens or other things.</span> </p> Yuldashova L. M. Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Modern Educational Achievements Fri, 19 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0300 RARE MEDICINAL PLANTS GROWING IN THE TERRITORY OF KARAKALPAKSTAN <p><span class="fontstyle0">Today, people pay special attention to their health, and their awareness of the secrets of health increases. In our country, great importance is attached to the development of medicinal and spice plants, especially to the effective and productive use of natural resources. This article provides information about rare medicinal plants found in Karakalpakstan, their number, medicinal properties, their use in medicine, and conservation measures.</span> </p> Yuldashova L. M. Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Modern Educational Achievements Fri, 19 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0300 FEATURES OF THE GROWTH OF NITRARIA SIBIRICA PALL., AT DIFFERENT TYPES AND LEVELS OF SALINITY <p><span class="fontstyle0">Saltpeter (Nitraria L.) is a representative of the ancient desert flora [1] and belongs to halophytes. Species of this genus grow in the steppe and desert regions of Asia Minor, Central and Central Asia, in Southeastern Europe, North Africa.&nbsp;<br>Their habitats are confined to saline elementary landscapes, represented by closed saucer-shaped depressions with a shallow level of mineralized groundwater, as well as drying lake basins, where intraoral soils are formed - salt flats and salt marshes</span> </p> Yuldashova L. M. Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Modern Educational Achievements Fri, 19 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0300 PROSPECTIVE NITRARIA SIBIRICA PALL., IN KARAKALPAKSTAN FLORA, PLANT <p><span class="fontstyle0">Desert cattle is a genus of galophyte plants belonging to the family Nitrariaceae, in some sources it belongs to the family of gophyllaceae (Zygophyllaceae), the category includes 7-10 species of low shrub, common in the regions of Asia Minor, Middle and desert. Central Asia, Southeast Europe, North Africa and southeast Australia. Types of saltpeter grow on saline soils of coastal deserts and on the shores of salty lakes. Local name karmic.</span></p> Yuldashova L. M. Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Modern Educational Achievements Fri, 19 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0300 A PROMISING PLANT NITRARIA SIBIRICA PALL., IN THE FLORA OF KARAKALPAKSTAN <p><span class="fontstyle0">Nitraria (lat. Nitraria) is a genus of halophytic plants of the Nitrariaceae family, in some sources it belongs to the Zygophyllaceae family, the genus includes 7-10 species of low shrubs common in the steppe and desert regions of Asia Minor, Central and Central Asia, South -Eastern Europe, North Africa and Southeast Australia. Saltpeter species grow on saline soils of coastal deserts and on&nbsp; the shores of salt lakes.</span></p> Yuldashova L. M. Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Modern Educational Achievements Fri, 19 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0300 GROWING BLACKROOT GREENFLOWER-CYNOGLOSSUM VIRIDIFLORUM PALL.EX. LEHM <p><span class="fontstyle0">The green-flowered black root is a biennial or perennial plant that does not differ in decorative attractiveness, used in folk medicine due to its beneficial properties. Growing green-flowered black root has its own characteristics, given which you can get a plant with a pronounced antimicrobial, fixing, soothing, antiinflammatory and wound healing effect. Decorative types of black root can become a bright decoration for a flower garden or mix borders.</span> </p> Yuldashova L. M. Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Modern Educational Achievements Fri, 19 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0300 BREEDING OF MALACOCARPUS CRITHMIFOLIUS (RETZ.) C.A.MEY <p><span class="fontstyle0">There is scant information in the literature on the ecology of these species. There is evidence that M. crithmifolius can grow on soils with varying degrees of salinity.</span> </p> Yuldashova L. M. Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Modern Educational Achievements Fri, 19 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0300 PLANT NITRARIA SIBIRICA PALL., IN THE FLORA OF KARAKALPAKSTAN <p><span class="fontstyle0">Shoots of the II order (less often of the III order) die off from the distal end; their number can exceed 100 pcs. After the death of the oldest xylorhizomes’ sections the connection between the partial formations is lost and a clone is formed. An electronic program, depending on the characteristics of filling out the questionnaire - independently, with the help of a doctor, using an electronic application.</span> </p> Yuldashova L. M. Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Modern Educational Achievements Fri, 19 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0300 SIBERIAN SALTPETER IN COUNTRIES <p><span class="fontstyle0">A low, prickly, branching shrub reaches a height of almost a meter. It is distinguished by small, back-lanceolate leaves. The flowers are loose, white, rarely pale yellow inflorescences, located on the tops of twigs. Only a fairly mature plant blooms, which is 8 years old. Moreover, flowering does not occur simultaneously. Some white inflorescences open during the day and fade by 2-3 days.&nbsp; Others are just beginning to open up. So the flowering of Siberian saltpeter continues throughout May. Bees, beetles and other&nbsp; insects actively participate in the pollination of saltpeter plants. And various animals that willingly eat plants spread seeds on the ground. The fruit is a juicy drupe, quite small, with a dark blue juice similar to dogwood juice. From one bush you can collect up to&nbsp; three kilograms of berries.&nbsp;</span></p> Yuldashova L. M. Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Modern Educational Achievements Fri, 19 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0300 SIBERIAN SALTPETER IN COUNTRIES <p>In our last couple of posts, we saw the basics of saltpeter extraction and also<br>an insight into the bacterial and chemical processes involved. As we saw previously,<br>it was the job of saltpeter men to go around the country and locate soils rich in<br>nitrates, so that saltpeter could be extracted from them</p> Yuldashova L. M Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Modern Educational Achievements Sun, 21 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0300 QARAQALPAQSTANNÍŃ SHORLÍ JERLERINDE ÓSETUG’IN DA’RILIK O’SIMLIKLERDIN BIOEKOLOGIYASIN U’YRENIW <p>This article provides information on the preservation of promising<br>medicinal plants in the territory of Karakalpakstan, as well as the study and<br>cultivation of their distribution. Nowadays, the demand for medicinal plants is<br>increasing day by day. Therefore, the study of medicinal plants, the properties of<br>which are useful for diseases and the strength of their effects, and the preparation of<br>medicines from them are important topics.</p> Yuldashova L. M Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Modern Educational Achievements Sun, 21 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0300 GEWILDİŃ (CAPPARIS SPINOSA L.) DÀRİLİK HÀM AZIQ-AWQAT ÓZGESHELERI <p>this article examines the nutritional and medicinal properties of the plant<br>caper bush (Capparis spinosa L.), known by various names in Uzbekistan and<br>Karakalpakstan. The botanical characteristics of the plant, its distribution in the<br>natural conditions of Uzbekistan, and its beneficial properties for human health are<br>described. Special attention is given to the content of vitamins and minerals in the<br>fruits and leaves of the plant, their impact on the immune system and digestive<br>processes. Traditional uses of the plant in food and medicine, including methods of<br>preservation and applications for health improvement, are also mentioned.</p> Yuldashova L. M Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Modern Educational Achievements Sun, 21 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0300 GEULDİŃ (CAPPARIS SPINOSA L) MORFO-BİOLOGIYALIQ ÓZGESHELİKLERİ <p>this article examines the morphobiological characteristics of capers<br>(Capparis spinosa L.) growing in Uzbekistan, including Karakalpakstan. It describes<br>the main morphological features of the plant, such as the structure of the root system,<br>the shape and structure of leaves, flowers, and fruits. Biological aspects, including<br>flowering and fruiting cycles, are considered. The distribution of capers in various<br>climatic zones of Uzbekistan and their adaptation to local conditions are analyzed.<br>Special attention is given to the use of capers in traditional medicine and the food<br>industry, as well as their economic potential.</p> Yuldashova L. M Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Modern Educational Achievements Sun, 21 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0300 PLANT NITRARIA SIBIRICA PALL., IN THE FLORA OF KARAKALPAKSTAN <p>shoots of the II order (less often of the III order) die off from the distal<br>end; their number can exceed 100 pcs. After the death of the oldest xylorhizomes’<br>sections the connection between the partial formations is lost and a clone is formed.<br>An electronic program, depending on the characteristics of filling out the<br>questionnaire - independently, with the help of a doctor, using an electronic<br>application</p> Yuldashova L. M. Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Modern Educational Achievements Thu, 25 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0300 PROSPECTIVE PLANT NITRARIA SIBIRICA PALL. IN THE FLORA OF KARAKALPAKSTAN <p>nitraria sibirica is a promising plant that grows on saline soils in<br>Karakalpakstan. This plant possesses unique adaptive properties and is highly valued<br>for its ecological, medical, and economic applications. This article discusses the<br>botanical description, ecological role, medical and economic uses of Nitraria<br>sibirica, as well as current research and its usage prospects. Special attention is given<br>to genomic studies that have identified genes responsible for salt stress tolerance and<br>the production of natural juice from Nitraria fruits in Mongolia. Further study of this<br>plant could lead to significant discoveries and new methods of utilization,<br>contributing to the sustainable development of arid regions and improving the<br>quality of life for local populations.</p> Yuldashova L. M Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Modern Educational Achievements Thu, 25 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0300 CONDUCT TAX AUDITS IN THE REPUBLIC OF UZBEKISTAN. <p><em>This thesis explores the conduct of tax audits in the Republic of Uzbekistan, aiming to identify the current practices, challenges, and potential areas for improvement. The study begins with an overview of the Uzbek tax system and the importance of tax audits, followed by an analysis of the legal framework and institutional structures governing these audits. Utilizing both primary and secondary data, the research investigates administrative, compliance, technological, and socio-economic challenges faced during tax audits. Through detailed case studies, the thesis provides insights into successful and unsuccessful tax audits, highlighting key lessons learned. Finally, the study offers policy, administrative, and technological recommendations to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of tax audits in Uzbekistan.</em></p> Xurramov Bobur Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Modern Educational Achievements Thu, 18 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0300 SOME METHODS OF SOLVING HIGHER DEGREE EQUATIONS <p>This research is conducted to describe some methods of solving higher degree<br>equations and their differences from other methods. New recommendations for<br>solving higher degree equations are given. Mainly quadratic and cubic equations<br>are considered. Special substitutions are used to solve the cubic equation.</p> Nurbayev A.R, Xolboyeva Z Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Modern Educational Achievements Wed, 24 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0300 ОЦЕНКА РЕЗУЛЬТАТОВ ЭКОЛОГИЧЕСКОГО ВОСПИТАНИЯ ШКОЛЬНИКОВ КАК ПЕДАГОГИЧЕСКАЯ ПРОБЛЕМА. <p>На сегодняшний день вопросу об экологическом воспитании и<br>обучении детей уделяется большое внимание. Это объясняется<br>ухудшающимся с каждым годом экологическим состоянием нашей планеты,<br>например, проблемой энергопотребления, ограниченности полезных<br>ископаемых, но в первую очередь это связано с загрязнением окружающей<br>среды. Одной из первостепенных причин такого положения является как раз<br>экологическая необразованность человечества</p> Жолдасбаева Е.Қ. Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Modern Educational Achievements Fri, 26 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0300 THE IMPORTANCE OF TEACHING SCHOOLCHILDREN THE BIOECOLOGY AND USEFUL PROPERTIES OF BIRDS <p>This article provides information on the biology, ecology and useful<br>properties of birds. Based on this information, the school uses technologies to teach<br>students</p> Joldasbaeva E.Q. Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Modern Educational Achievements Fri, 26 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0300 ЭКОЛОГИЧЕСКОЕ ОБРАЗОВАНИЕ ШКОЛЬНИКОВ: СУЩНОСТЬ, ЦЕЛИ, РЕЗУЛЬТАТЫ <p>Экологическое образование признано приоритетным направлением в<br>гармонизации отношений общества и природы. Признание ведущей роли<br>образования среди мер, направленных на решение экологических проблем,<br>нашло отражение в нормативных документах в нашей стране и за рубежом</p> Жолдасбаева Е.Қ. Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Modern Educational Achievements Fri, 26 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0300 ФОРМЫ И МЕТОДЫ ЭКОЛОГИЧЕСКОГО ВОСПИТАНИЯ СТАРШЕКЛАССНИКОВ <p>На сегодняшний день вопросу об экологическом воспитании и<br>обучении детей уделяется большое внимание. Это объясняется<br>ухудшающимся с каждым годом экологическим состоянием нашей планеты,<br>например, проблемой энергопотребления, ограниченности полезных<br>ископаемых, но в первую очередь это связано с загрязнением окружающей<br>среды. Одной из первостепенных причин такого положения является как раз<br>экологическая необразованность человечества</p> Жолдасбаева Е.Қ Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Modern Educational Achievements Fri, 26 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0300 РЕАЛИЗАЦИЯ ЭКОЛОГИЧЕСКОГО ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ ПРИ ИЗУЧЕНИИ МОРФОЛОГИЧЕСКИХ АДАПТАЦИЙ РЫБ НА УРОКАХ БИОЛОГИИ <p>В этой статье представлен обзор урока «Рыба» и способы его<br>преподавания учащимся. Современное образование отличает вариативность,<br>разноуровневость, что позволяет развивать индивидуальные способности<br>школьника, формировать творчески активную личность, развивать<br>интересы и способности учащихся. Изучение надкласса Рыбы позволяет<br>учащимся лучше понять ход эволюции позвоночных животных.</p> Жолдасбаева Е.К. Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Modern Educational Achievements Fri, 26 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0300