
Yuldashova L. M.


A low, prickly, branching shrub reaches a height of almost a meter. It is distinguished by small, back-lanceolate leaves. The flowers are loose, white, rarely pale yellow inflorescences, located on the tops of twigs. Only a fairly mature plant blooms, which is 8 years old. Moreover, flowering does not occur simultaneously. Some white inflorescences open during the day and fade by 2-3 days.  Others are just beginning to open up. So the flowering of Siberian saltpeter continues throughout May. Bees, beetles and other  insects actively participate in the pollination of saltpeter plants. And various animals that willingly eat plants spread seeds on the ground. The fruit is a juicy drupe, quite small, with a dark blue juice similar to dogwood juice. From one bush you can collect up to  three kilograms of berries. 


Author Biography

Yuldashova L. M.

Biology student at Nukus State Pedagogical Institute named after Ajiniyoz