
Salimova N.D., Salaeva M.S., Mirakhmedova Sh.T., Boltaboev H.K


One of the most important steps in curriculum development is the
introduction of simulation- based medical teaching and learning. Simulation is a
generic term that refers to an artificial representation of a real world process to
achieve educational goals through experiential learning. Simulation based medical
education is defined as any educational activity that utilizes simulation aides to
replicate clinical scenarios. Although medical simulation is relatively new,
simulation has been used for a long time in other high risk professions such as
aviation. Medical simulation allows the acquisition of clinical skills through
deliberate practice rather than an apprentice style of learning. Simulation tools
serve as an alternative to real patients. A trainee can make mistakes and learn from
them without the fear of harming the patient. There are different types and
classification of simulators and their cost vary according to the degree of their
resemblance to the reality, or 'fidelity'. Simulation- based learning is expensive.
However, it is cost-effective if utilized properly. Medical simulation has been
found to enhance clinical competence at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels.
It has also been found to have many advantages that can improve patient safety and
reduce health care costs through the improvement of the medical provider's
