Multifractal parametrization of images of histological sections of the rat cornea in a model of a techno genic rotating electric field


Khudoikulova Sh.N., Yegorkina S.B., Stepanov V.A., Belykh V.V., Adyleva O.A


With the help of multifractal parameterization of the image of the cornea of the
eye, the effect of a rotating electric field (VEP) of industrial frequency (50 Hz)
with a duration of ten and twenty days on experimental animals (rats) was studied
A spectrum of generalized dimensions and criteria for entropy evaluation of the
states of static and dynamic stability of the corneal structure has been established,
on the basis of which a mathematical model of stable states of the corneal
information system has been constructed, taking into account the prognostic type
of behavior. The entropy indicators of stationary information-entropy levels and
the intervals of the physiological norm of entropy changes in the dynamic structure
of the information system of the cornea of animals are established. The periods of
cyclical homeostasis of the corneal information system of animals with stable (17
days) and unstable (12 days) type of behavior were determined
