
Mukhitdinova Firuza Abdurashidovna Jassim M. Khalaf Albozachr


The article gives an idea of the idea of developing the study of the heritage
of the Great Scientist of the era of Eastern Awakening Abu Nasr Forabi. In the
works of Forobi, the author made a comparative analysis of the ideas of an ideal, a
just state kuritsa and her views on justice, on fair laws – on fair law, with today's
reforms. The peoples of Central Asia have a rich culture for centuries, and this
spiritual heritage is still important today in the upbringing of the younger
generation of the peoples of Central Asia. Historically, the countries of Central
Asia have always regarded themselves as a single region. The indigenous
population has a common history, religion, traditions, and also has common
features in the development of science and peoples. The relations between the two
countries have a strong history,and the relations between the two countries have
also been preserved. And this will help to maintain a large number of, including
kinship ties between residents of the countries of Central Asia. Therefore, ur0u is
given to the fact that the study of the Forobi scientific heritage plays an important
role. Uzbekistan shares borders with all the countries of the region and is actually
located in the center of Central Asia.
