Directions of formation of professional skills in students based on an integrative approach


F.H. Makhmudova


The article considers the integrative approach as a
methodological strategy for solving educational problems. The models of
interdisciplinary integration based on the use of general scientific methods of
cognition are analyzed. The need for integration based on the practical and
professional orientation in the education of a specialist, which logically follows
from the complex, systemic, interdisciplinary nature of professional activity, is
being updated. The trend of intensification of studies considering the problem of
integrating competencies is revealed. Taking into account the informatization of
society as a factor determining changes in the world and our educational situation
and affecting the education system and the production sector, poses the problem of
enriching the competence of a bachelor who has mastered the educational program
in a specific area of training in the context of integration with informational
competence. Such integration of competencies will ensure the solution of
professional problems at the modern information level using specialized software
